Oregon Humane Society VIPs Enjoy Yard and Garden Show Preview

Oregon Humane Society VIPs Enjoy Yard and Garden Show Preview

Portland, February 28th, 2014. Some furry friends were featured at Portland’s Yard, Garden and Patio Show at the Oregon Convention Center. Their VIP appearance raised awareness about the Oregon Humane Society. The Yard and Garden Show attracted over 20,000 people. The three-day event  featured showcase gardens and workshops including ideas focused on sustainability. Those at the VIP event included: Mary Lou See, an OHS volunteer; Jane Morrison, the OHS Corporate Relations Manager; Jane Harris, OHS Donor Relations Manager; Akin Blitz, OHS Board of Trustees member; and Jenni Nowak, a OHS volunteer.

Lucy Hardiman worked on the Yard, Garden and Patio show committee, Valerie Easton is a Seattle Garden Writer, Jim Rondone is the President of Hardy Plants Society of Oregon, and Linda Wisner is with the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon.

Lucy Hardiman worked on the Yard Garden and Patio Show committee, Valerie Easton is a Seattle Garden Writer, Jim Rondone is the President of Hardy Plants Society of Oregon, and Linda Wisner is a board member on the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon.

Molly was a popular attraction at the event.

Molly was a popular attraction at the event.

Kids had some hands on activities.

Kids enjoyed some hands on activities.

Many come to be inspired by the showcase gardens.

Many come to be inspired by the showcase gardens.

From the Oregon Humane Society:

For 145 years OHS has been sheltering abandoned animals, fighting cruelty and neglect, and working to build a caring, compassionate community here in Oregon. Although we have thousands of members and 1,500 volunteers, we are really nothing more than a single person saying ‘Yes, I want to help.’ 

Here, you can learn how to adopt a pet, report animal cruelty, lend a helping hand to animals, and much more. OHS is not affiliated with any other local or national organization and receives no tax dollars; our work is made possible only by the generosity of people like yourself.