Portland, OR. Nearly 200 people gathered to celebrate the 4th annual “Together for Good” fundraiser for Nursingale. It’s Oregon’s only nonprofit providing in-home, skilled nursing care for families with medically fragile children, making it possible for families to stay together. Emcee, KGW news anchor Joe Donlon, enjoyed a moment with Juan, one of Nursingale’s clients. The August 19th benefit included music by Rock violinist Aaron Meyer, a pinot tower, live auction, and dessert dash. Total proceeds were just over $100,000. (Photo credit, Andrea Lomas)

Supporters raised their paddles for Nursingale.

Emcee Joe Donlon, KGW news anchor, Patti Sadowski, Nursingale’s Executive Director, and auctioneer Christine DeCastro pose for a photo.

Eric Thomas, whose family founded Nursingale, just recently celebrated his 32nd birthday on full life support. He’s shown with his nurse Codie Philo.

From Nursingale:

To enhance the lives of the medically fragile at home and in the community

To provide the best nursing care to the most vulnerable

As a non-profit, Nursingale embraces a set of core values:

  • Integrity and respect guide all of our actions.
  • Teamwork and a positive work experience support high-value client care and staff satisfaction.
  • Partnerships with other community partners helps to maximize our services.
  • Commitment to keeping families together is a driving force in all that we do.
