Portland, October 1st, 2015. Metropolitan Family Service helps people move beyond the limitations of poverty, inequity and social isolation. That mission drew 300 guests to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of Metropolitan Family Service, (MFS)at the 7th annual A Gathering of Good benefit. The event at The Portland Hilton focused on creating lasting change in our community.

Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler, MFS former Executive Director Krista Larson, MFS Chief Executive Officer Judy Strand, and Oregon Business Council President Duncan Wyse enjoy a record-breaking evening at A Gathering of Good. Photo credit: Andie Petkus Photography.
MFS Board Development Chair Don Riggs was event chairman. MFS Board President Steven Wilker highlighted theMFS initiative on building youth success. A Gathering of Good raised just over $300,000 to help more than 30,000 children, families, and older adults in the greater Portland and SW Washington area.
From Metropolitan Family Service (MFS):
Our Vision: A world where children never go hungry, young people are always educated, families are financially stable, older adults remain connected and all humans are healthy, happy and cared for.
Where we came from: Like most nonprofits, we were founded to address a unique need in our community. After the stress and hardships of World War II, many families were struggling to rebuild their lives and had no place to turn. In response, Family Counseling Service opened its doors in 1950.
Today you know us as Metropolitan Family Service (MFS).
Perhaps you know someone in our community facing cultural and economic inequity. We help thousands of people who struggle because of inadequate education, health issues, social isolation, unemployment, and poverty. These challenges increase vulnerability and compromise well-being. Worst of all, hope fades. For many, life is just plain hard.
To tackle these tough issues, we meet people where they are and listen to what they need. Combining the wisdom and experience of our elders with the energy and potential of our youth, we build community wherever we work. And as champions of innovation, we develop lasting solutions that bridge gaps, create equity and demonstrate respect and value for every person.