Portland, October 25th, 2014. Make-A-Wish Oregon drew over 500 supporters to the Portland Art Museum with its gala. The event featured a formal dinner and live auction, as well as dancing, food & wine, and a silent auction. The featured wish this year was 4-year-old Soren Cranley’s wish to be in a monster movie. He starred in a part live-action, part animation movie where he rescued his sister from monsters by transforming into “Super Soren.” The $348,000 raised will help make wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions in Oregon and Southwest Washington. (Photo credit, Jeff Hinds Photography)
Wish recipient and special guest speaker Renae Goettel with Make-A-Wish Oregon board chair Geoff Sinclair and Make-A-Wish Oregon CEO Laila Cook.
From Make-A-Wish: We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.