Portland, April 6th, 2013. Honoring the Past, Envisioning the Future was the theme for the 100th Anniversary celebration in Legacy Emanuel Medical Center’s Atrium. Guests included Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Foundation Trustee David O. Thompson, Jr., Legacy Meridian Park Medical Foundation Trustee David A. Thompson, Ann Thompson, Chris Thompson and William Thompson. The event raised More than $150,000. (photo credit, Phototainment)
Legacy Health Board Member Leslie Root, M.D. and Legacy Health President and Chief Executive Officer George J. Brown, M.D., FACP.
275 Legacy Emanuel Medical Center supporters celebrated the hospital’s 100th anniversary and raised funds for the construction of a hybrid operating room. The atrium at Legacy Emanuel served as the backdrop for the Gala with donors, physicians and community leaders generously giving in honor of the life-changing and lifesaving work performed each day at the medical center.
Julie Strohl Antonucci and Regence Oregon’s President Don Antonucci along with Regence guests Jim Viscardi and Lisa Brubaker
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center Chief Administrative Officer Lori Morgan, M.D., and Commissioner Loretta Smith.
Emanuel Medical Center Foundation is raising $500,000 to support the hybrid operating room build-out and to purchase state-of-the-art equipment. To make a donation or learn more about supporting Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, please call 503-413-4588. For more information about the work of Legacy Health foundations, please call the Office of Philanthropy at 503-415-4700 or visit www.legacyhealth.org/giving.