Portland, April 25th, 2013 . 251 supporters joined forces to raise $49,017 for the continued success of the “Think to the Future Initiative” education program. Through it The Black United Fund of Oregon provides much-needed guidance and support to under-served students on the path to higher education and career success. (Photo credit, Andie Petkus Photography)
“The Oregon Lottery team was a master sponsor at the Black United Fund of Oregon’s 16th Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon. They presented a $1500 scholarship later that afternoon to a deserving African American high school student.“
The funding assists in the social and economic development of Oregon’s low-income communities and to contribute to a broader understanding of ethnic and culturally diverse groups. The Black United Fund of Oregon’s 16th Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon was held at the Governor Hotel and chaired by Michele Cruse.
From the Black United Fund:
To assist in the social and economic development of Oregon’s low-income communities and to contribute to a broader understanding of ethnic and culturally diverse groups.
How do we do it?
We partner with organizations right here in our community, who believe as we do that every person matters and every dollar counts. We support organizations with a proven track record of improving social and economic conditions by increasing opportunities in underserved neighborhoods. Because we know this is the only way to have a truly healthy community.
We are committed to providing financial support and life-changing programs for Oregon’s low-income communities, and have been for 27 years and counting. In 1983, leaders in North and Northeast Portland noticed that many philanthropic organizations were not giving as much support to communities of color. To combat this inequity, they started the Black United Fund of Oregon to channel charitable funds to low-income areas and since that time, big changes have occurred. We have raised over $4 million to help thousands of our most vulnerable citizens. Last year alone, we served 75,000 Oregonians with grants to more than 30 organizations.