October 5th. Here’s a bit of nonprofit news you can use: PrintRunner is offering a donation and discount to two lucky nonprofits each month. You sign up on their website and, full disclosure, company sales staff will contact you about your needs, still your nonprofit does stand a chance of winning the donation just like one of September’s winners, the Alzheimer’s Association – California Southland Chapter. It received a $250 worth of Design Services, $500 worth of print materials, and a $1,000US cash prize, in addition to the 10% discount on all products and services available at California based PrintRunner.com.
The Alzheimer’s Association TrialMatch® connects researchers with volunteers in the former’s aim to find treatments to ultimately cure the disease. The organization has also released online training and care resources through its essentiALZ™, as well as free e-learning workshops
Printrunner also helped publicize the nonprofit’s cause sending out information like the following which they posted on their blog: http://blog.printrunner.com/2012/09/5-cool-things-you-probably-dont-know-about-alzheimers-association/.
For people in the Alzheimer’s Association, there’s no bigger disease than the deterioration of your loved one’s mental state. According to their site’s facts and figures, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the US and the only fatal disease among the top 10 causes that can neither be cured nor prevented. This is why the organization is intent on decreasing the number of people inflicted with this disease, currently at 5.4 million Americans.
To their credit, Alzheimer’s Association has done more than their fair share in their quest of stamping out this disease. Below are some of the cool things they have done since starting out.
- The organization has established local chapters across the country, bringing people closer to accessible information about Alzheimer’s and how to deal with this sickness. You can find the nearest chapter in your city by clicking here..
- They engage the community to join their cause against Alzheimer’s by holding the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. This ongoing event aims to raise public awareness about the disease and encourage them to take an early diagnosis. By visiting the page, you can choose which date and how you want to participate.
- You can take part in their cause. Aside from making a donation online, you can participate by means of corporate sponsorship, workplace giving, and fundraising events. Click here for more information!