Portland, November 15th. 730 people packed the Portland Hilton Hotel to honor some of Oregon and Southwest Washington’s most passionate philanthropists. William R. Swindells congratulated Greg Chaille, who received the Thomas Lamb Eliot Award. The Philanthropy Awards lunch was organized by the local chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. (Photo Credit, Andie Petkus)
Jack Gray presents the Outstanding Volunteer Group award to the Outdoor School Student Leaders program, represented by Hannah Steinkopf-Frank, left, and Chiarra Forester at the Philanthropy Awards Luncheon of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter.
Dr. Walter Urba, Providence Cancer Center, presented the Outstanding Philanthropic Corporation Award to Safeway, Portland Division, represented by Steve Frisby, President, Safeway Portland Division.
Steve and Jan Oliva, joined the many well-wishers for Ed Lynch, who along with his late wife, Dollie, won the Vollum Award for Lifetime Philanthropic Achievement