Compassion in Action Benefits Central City Concern

Compassion in Action Benefits Central City Concern

Portland, November 1st, 2013. More than 520 celebrated success at the Central City Concern  at the nonprofit’s “Compassion in Action” Benefit. Thriving clients Danielle & Jerry were featured in video shown at the event and pictured with CCC Executive Director Ed Blackburn. (photo credit, Andie Petkus) The event took place at the Portland Art Museum. Central City Concern serves single adults and families in the Portland metro area who are impacted by homelessness, poverty and addictions.

Past staff member Jeanne Rivers with current board member Pauline Anderson.

Past staff member Jeanne Rivers with current board member Pauline

CCC Board member Ben Berry, CCC Board chair Rob Teach and CCC Executive Director Ed Blackburn.

CCC Board member Ben Berry, CCC Board chair Rob Teach and CCC
Executive Director Ed Blackburn.

State treasurer Ted Wheeler talked about his father's addiction history and the importance of housing and support for lasting health.

State treasurer Ted Wheeler talked about his father’s addiction
history and the importance of housing and support for lasting health.

Sam Naito, who helped develop Central City Concern in the late 1970s, with Larry Naito, current CCC board member.

Sam Naito, who helped develop Central City Concern in the late 1970s, with Larry Naito, current CCC board member.

Central City Concern was founded in 1979, the agency has developed a comprehensive continuum of affordable housing options integrated with direct social services including healthcare, recovery and employment. CCC currently has a staff of 600+, an annual operating budget of $41 million and serves more than 13,000 individuals annually.