Portland, OR. Portland’s new Amaterra Winery was the setting for a new nonprofit called SetPath. The organization offers free life-planning and mentoring services to young adults. At its launch party on June 1st, about 50 local leaders sipped wine and enjoyed hors d’oeuvres. SetPath founder Daniel Harkavy and Chief Hope Officer Paul Hogan shared their vision for SetPath, which is already serving dozens of local young adults, aged 18 to 28. Above, Paul Hogan, Kalpana Lubrano, Octavio Lubrano, Khalid Maxie (new Principal of Jesuit High) enjoy event. (Photo credit, Amy White, Khalid Maxie, Paul Hogan and Dylan Harkavy)

SetPath founder Daniel Harkavy describes the origin story of SetPath while host Werner Nistler looks on
Leslie Ganz exhorts the guests at Amaterra to support SetPath’s mission as she and her husband Mark have done.
The event was hosted by Amaterra owners Werner and Colleen Nistler along with Leslie and Mark Ganz (former Cambia CEO), the gathering was organized to create support for SetPath’s mission, which is to guide young adults to discover purpose, hope, and direction through life-planning and mentorship, free of charge.
Amaterra uses a process that utilizes bridge cranes to allow one elevation drop to act as a multiple-level gravity-flow winemaking facility.
At the event, area philanthropists listened while the nonprofit’s leaders outlined the urgent need for SetPath’s services.
According to the nonprofit, the pandemic has taken a toll on young adults, for whom few programs exist as they move into the “defining decade” of their 20s.
Current statistics include:
• 30% of 25-to-29-year-olds live at home with their parents, delaying marriage, parenthood, and home ownership at record rates due to “crushing student debt, a runaway housing market, and the pandemic” (Fortune, 3.25.22).
• In July of 2021, 48% of young adults in the US reported struggling with serious mental health issues. • 1 million fewer students attend college in the US in 2022 than in 2020, the largest decrease in 50 years. Average college debt per student borrower: $33K.
• Inflation rose to 8.4% in spring, 2022, the highest in 40 years, making the dream of home ownership and many other daily expenses out of reach for young people.
• Over 1/3 of young adults admit to binge drinking in the past month; 40% used an illicit substance in the past year. In counterpoint to these alarming statistics, the evening at Amaterra was filled with friendship, joy, and tremendous hope, as guests saw the potential for SetPath to help young adults navigate the challenges of “adulting” on a massive scale.
From SetPath:
Guests offered many affirmative comments and asked questions about the expansive scope of SetPath’s vision, budget, and impact so far. All present agreed that this mission, are ready to meet this moment of urgent need with creativity, structure, discipline, and hope. The gorgeous views and scintillating conversation marked what will be remembered as a historic moment of launch for another Portland nonprofit that aims to impact young lives for the better—in Portland, across the US, and someday soon, across the globe, in the inspiring tradition of the Dougy Center, Friends of the Children, the Children’s Cancer Association, and more.