Portland, OR. Due to overwhelming demand at DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency Hospital, and local area clinics, the DoveLewis Blood Bank is running critically low on several canine blood types. Superhero Calamity Jane (in the orange scarf) has been donating to the DoveLewis Blood Bank for five years and has donated 21 units. Her blood recently helped save the lives of a 3-year-old Australian shepherd suffering from rat bait poisoning and a 5-year-old pit bull with an autoimmune disorder. New volunteer canine blood donors are needed to continue the lifesaving efforts of the program. (Photo credit, Gia Goodrich)

A growing local pet population and active summer months have created a greater need for animal blood transfusions.
“Just one donation can help treat up to four animals,” said Ron Morgan, DoveLewis president and CEO. “We call our donors Superheroes because they are truly saving lives.” DoveLewis will treat more than 20,000 patients this year, and demand for blood transfusions increases during summer months due to a surge in patients during this time.
Each year, the DoveLewis Blood Bank provides enough blood and plasma for more than 700 transfusions throughout Oregon and the United States. Transfusions are typically required during surgeries, for animals with immune deficiency disorders, and for animals suffering from traumas.
Canine blood donors must meet a few basic requirements, including:
- 1-6 years old
- 55+ pounds
- Healthy and current on vaccines
- Gentle disposition
The donation process is quick, easy and painless for both the canine donor and the owner. DoveLewis asks volunteers to commit to giving blood for two years (four to six donations per year). Donors also receive a variety of medical benefits.
Pet owners interested in learning more can visit dovelewis.org/blood-bank.
From DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital:
DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital, established in 1973 and based in Portland, Oregon, is the only nonprofit, 24-hour emergency and intensive care unit in the region. With 45 years of service to the community, DoveLewis has treated more than 600,000 animals. DoveLewis also has seven donor-supported community programs that serve animals in need and the animal-loving community. For more information, please visit dovelewis.org.