Portland, OR. Drawing a record 450 guests, Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare’s 2019 Transformation Gala raised nearly a quarter million dollars in support of the nonprofit’s whole health care and outreach services. Attendance was the highest in the Gala’s three-year history, growing by 100 supporters over last year. Lisa Oyler, Chiki Nussbaumer, Gayathrai Ramprasad, Toc Soneoulay-Gillespie and Tamara Pedrojetti were among the hundreds who enjoyed the night. Highlights of the April 4th benefit included the announcement of new grants from Cambia Health Foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, US Bank Foundation, Pacific Power Foundation, and OnPoint Credit Union, as well as new gifts and sponsorships. Cascadia provides mental health services, addiction recovery support, primary care, wellness programs, permanent housing solutions and affordable housing to people of all ages. (Photo credit, Mario Gallucci)
(seated) Tracy VavRosky, Lisa Shamek, Bradley Scott Christie, Becky Paris Christie, Amador Bustos, Rosalie Bustos, (standing) Kellie VavRosky, Emily VavRosky
(seated) Van Do, Todd Nussbaumer, Chiki Nussbaumer, Cabre Vickers, Andrew Tweedie, Brice Terrible, Kassie Auler (standing Lisa Oyler and Adam Auler)
(seated) Laurie Chern, Jeff Marotta, Robin Boyce, Janice Jacobs, Susie Richardson, and Michael Phillips, (standing) Neil Falk, Janet MacDonnell, Darian Minkunas , and Dan Johnson
“Our work at Cascadia is about people – supporting each other and helping people experience transformative care to improve their health and quality of life,” said President and CEO Dr. Derald Walker. “What makes this event so dynamic is that the minute you walk in, it’s all about community – people coming together to fuel support around our shared goals to provide life-changing whole health care, more affordable housing, and improving our region’s quality of life for people of all ages.”
The Gala presented three Culture of Caring Awards recognizing contributions and leadership in strengthening our community’s social, physical, cultural and emotional well-being. Hermann Colas, Jr, Founder and Chair of Colas Construction, was honored for his achievements in promoting greater awareness and importance of affordable housing, revitalizing neighborhoods, and building healthy, vibrant communities. Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw was honored for her work in building community relations and civic engagement. Beth Burns, executive director of p:ear, was honored for building community through the arts. The awards honor the legacy of the late Reverend Dr. John and Mrs. Yvonne Garlington’s dedication and commitment to community that Cascadia embodies in its mission.
The evening was filled with great music, food, and art and hosted at the Peter Corvallis Productions warehouse in North Portland. Gala guests included Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran, Oregon Representative Rob Nosse, Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, members of Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury’s office, staff from Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s office, and a lead representative of US Senator Ron Wyden’s office who shared a special letter from the Senator in support of Cascadia’s service to the community.
Portland’s Metropolitan Youth Symphony youth jazz ensemble also entertained Gala guests. Cascadia showcased a dynamic art installation by Portland Winter Light Festival artist Michael Taluc that symbolized transformation and hope with a sculptural, mobile that filled the space with light and movement.
About Cascadia:
Cascadia is the largest community-based behavioral health and substance use treatment services organization in the state of Oregon and is a Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC). More info at this link: https://www.cascadiabhc.org/