Portland, OR. An original ‘Rosie the Riveter’ was on hand as a new memorial garden was planted to honor the hundreds of thousands of women who worked in factories, building ships, planes and armaments, during WWII. Rosarian Royal Gardener Barbara Brennan, Adeena Rose Wade, Ada Wyn Parker Loy, a 94-year-old ‘real’ Rosie, and Barbara Jensen President/Founder Oregon Spirit of 45 were all on hand for the event in the International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park.

Royal Rosarian Royal Gardener Barbara Brennan, Living history Character Actor Adeena Rose Wade plant roses.
The Rosie the Riveter Memorial Rose at International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park was supported by all seven Oregon Congressional delegates.
Marilyn Clint, Chief Operations Officer, Portland Rose Festival speaking at the Rose the Riveter Rose dedication at the International Rose Test Garden on March 21st.
Real Rosie family members and volunteers posed with Royal Rosarian Prime Minister Adam Baker and the Royal Rosarians.
Here’s more information on the program:
75 years ago, our nation was at war. As hundreds of thousands of men across our nation answered the call to serve and protect our freedoms, hundreds of thousands of women on the home front volunteered to support them in our factories, building ships, planes and armament, to support them. They become known as “Rosie the Riveters” and we are here today to honor those amazing women.
In 2010, Congress passed a resolution establishing the second Sunday of August as “Spirit of ’45 Day” to honor all those who served in WWII both those who defended our freedoms on the battle field and also honor those who were there on the home front, to support our troops on the front lines.
This year 2018, Congress passed a resolution establishing March 21, ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Day as part of Women History Month. Over 50 dedications and plantings are occurring in 21 states including Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Texas and the District of Columbia.
Oregon is a model in the country with 12 sites with at least one in each of our state’s congressional districts. These gardens are part of a National effort to create a network of “Living Memorial” rose garden across America. Working with WEEKS ROSES, the National Spirit of ’45 Organization was delighted to announce this unique rose this past January and Congress was equally pleased to swift to endorse March 21 as ‘Rosie the Riveter Day.’
These gardens in full bloom this spring, summer and fall seasons will help us to remember, honor and always be inspired by their example of courage, shared-sacrifice, ‘can-do’ attitude, spirit, unity and service.
Here’s a link to the International Rose Test Garden in Washington Park.