Portland, October 25th. 500 architects, engineers, contractors, developers and citizens interested in Oregon’s designed environments gathered at the Oregon Convention Center to honor local movers and shakers. Jeff Thiede, President of Oregon Electric Group and event co-chair is pictured with and his wife Elizabeth. Each year the Architecture Foundation of Oregon pays tribute to an organization or individual who has made significant contributions to Oregon’s designed and built environments. (Photos by Andie Petkus)
Architecture Foundation of Oregon (AFO) president, Jonah Cohen; Oregon Community Foundation president, Greg Chaille; and Executive Director, Jane Jarrett
This year, AFO paid tribute to The Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) for 38 years of philanthropic leadership, saying, “OCF has strengthened communities across Oregon by bringing fresh approaches to solving tough issues. Their long-term solutions for a healthy society include investment in Oregon’s physical, human, natural, and social resources.”
Event co-chair Pat Harrington, managing principal of Boora Architects, finds inspiration in Greg Chaille's address.
The special event is also a fundraiser for the Architecture Foundation of Oregon and this year, raised $111,000. Proceeds support AFO’s services and programs, including Architects in Schools, serving 2,200 third through fifth grade students and their teachers.
Fran Storrs, at the Oregon Community Foundation Table, enjoys Greg Chaille's stories of his home, which was designed by Fran's late husband, John Storrs.
Mauricio Villarreal, Jocelyn Bates, patrick O'Brien, Charles Brucker, Robert Hoang and JP Phillips toast the evening's success.
Event co-chairs, Pat Harrington, Managing Principal of Boora Architects, and Jeff Thiede, President of Oregon Electric Group, led an event committee that included Rod Ashley of TVA Architects, Kathy Shaloo Berg of Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects, Zeljka Carol Kekez of Atelier Dreiseitl and Anne Monnier of KPFF Consulting Engineers. Pat noted that, in spite of the difficult economic head winds, event attendance was good, wonderful camaraderie was enjoyed, and the evening’s deserving honoree gifted attendees with an inspiring message.